Walking Meditation
conscious walking is to inner development what guided breathing is to vitality
Meditation Diary-211022
we do and then think-feel-say about it sometimes, sometimes we think-feel-say and then do it
Meditation Diary-131122
sometimes it is an integrative practice of writing what one has experienced in a meditation…just that…just write
Meditation & Calling, Missed Call, Cross-Connection- 4 min reading
We want somethings more. Somethings less. Somethings for first times. Somethings never. #RightSeeing them could enable our relationships with them in deeper ways.
Meditation & Tent-ativeness- 4 min reading
There are times we realize we are tentative. But there are times we are not aware that we are tentative but our bodies are.
Meditation & Dolorstasis- 4 min reading
Various pains accumulate sometimes in forms of tensions in the body. Releasing them through meditation of the body could help manage the pain at level of emotion or psyche. Sometimes releasing them at level of body releases them at other levels as well.
Om Chant and Tension of Mind-Body- 3 min reading
Om Chants and other chants are vibrations in awareness. And these vibrations emerge on top of or in a network of various existing vibrations of the body-mind, and in turn rearrange these very vibrations through the process of chanting.