concept consultant for a unique movie fund in 2007
Back in the day, I was involved in some small way in conceptualizing a few funds. Movie fund, Education Fund. Agri Fund. Cleantech Fund. I was also fortunate to see the entertainment industry slightly more closely. We had structured a novel experiment with partners like L N Mittal, Michael Bloomberg's Entertainment Business, The Hollywood Reporter and Indian Entertainment Stalwarts like Yash Chopraji, Manmohan Shettyji, Vinod Khannaji, Amol Palekarji, Ashutosh Gowarikarji and some more.
Aside from the conventional works, we had also initiated a multi-disciplinary research on Media Theorist Marshall McLuhan to test the nuances of his famous line "Medium is the message".
What I recall from those days and the years of experiments and reflections gone by, is that indeed that the various technologies are not "neutral" as they are made out to be. Technologies and their key features are designed by business interests or political interests. And those often have intended and unintended consequences. They affect and shape our attention spans (Tristan Harris, Former Google Tech Ethicist), our inter-reactionary modes (Swami Sukhobodhananda), our memetic desires (Rene Girard), our remembering self and our experiencing self (Daniel Kahneman).