Meditation & Calling, Missed Call, Cross-Connection- 4 min reading


We have had thousands of experiences till date.

We have had thousands of thoughts and feelings till date.

Some we want more of,

Some we want less of.

Some we want to have for the first times.

Some we just want to stop or never want at all.

Lets call all these spectrum of wants (more, less, first times, never),

as wantingness.

Some we have absolute clarity and decisiveness about.

Then there are those that are messy, mixed, dilemmatic, pendulumatic.

Where we are either not sure.

Or sure of one at one time or state or phase or context,

and another at another time or state or phase or context.

As we move in our lives,

we try.

We try to figure out how to create conditions and strategies and tools.

Conditions-strategies-tools for ensuring,

Ensuring that we get what and how we want or don't want.

And specifically,

With regards to those that we want less or never,

We try

We try

to ignore sometimes or

to suppress sometimes or

deflect sometimes or

let linger sometimes or

just get overwhelmed sometimes even in the indecisions and mesh,

of these various strategies or tools.

Meditation is one of the tools.

They say.

They say that it helps get you aligned to your wantingness-es.

Helps to do away with thoughts and feelings you do not want.

or want less of.

But I believe.

Its just what I believe and could be limited.


That all the wantingness spectrum of more, less, first times, never,

are telling us something.

signalling us something.

complementing constructing something.

over time

over time if we cultivate.

cultivate for seeing them

seeing them all.

beginning with getting to know them.

know them deeper.

we can perhaps see their routes and roots.

and then figure out our callings.

else be infinitely engaged in missed calls and cross-connections.


Meditation Diary-131122


Meditation & Tent-ativeness- 4 min reading