Testimonials: This abode has gifts from fellow humans who have been encouraging and supporting my journey. It begins with foreword to my book and then there are testimonies for various other sharings of content/social experiment/consulting/coaching.
Foreword & Blurb for my Book "21st Century Hunter Gatherer”
Amazon Kindle Link for the Book:
Betty Sue Flowers: Futurist; Fmr Editor-Shell Scenarios; Fmr Associate Dean-Graduate Studies-University of Texas; Editor-The Power of Myth; Co-Author: Presence: Human Purpose and the Field of the Future.
Some books leave you with new ideas. Others impress you by how they are written. And then there are those that spark ideas in yourself that you’ve never had before. That’s what reading this book does for me. It is unlike any other book I’ve read.
The authors invite the reader to “hunt and gather” with them through 700+ pages of experiences, thoughts, ancient wisdom from various traditions, modern business management advice, and quotations, stopping frequently to offer two-by-two grid structures for thinking about the issue under discussion.
The #twobytwogrid is a simple but effective device to take opposites into account – to “wreak havoc” with “always.” As the authors say, “While on the path, one has to cultivate further the skills of unsettling oneself deliberately . . . to lose one’s ground on one’s own.”
While the book has three authors, it’s written in one singular voice—a seeker, a hunter gatherer of truth and wisdom, whose quest is not just an individual journey but on behalf of the community of seekers. “While looking for ‘always,’” he says, “I kept coming across ‘sometimes.’” There’s one sort of knowing that binds and one that liberates. There are so many ”sometimes”—how to “see them, stitch them, negotiate them” is the yearning that motivates this journey.
The journey for the reader of 21 st Century Hunter Gatherer is an experience of wandering through a rich landscape alive with drawings and doodles and photos and stories and grids. Ah, those grids! They’re simple and in many ways obvious in their presentation of binaries. But if 21 st century humans stopped to test their judgments using a discipline of thinking from all points of view, they might develop the capacity to include diversities of thought, feeling, speech and action—and perhaps help create a 22 nd -century world more evolved towards generosity and kindness.
Betty edited the book and acted as a consultant to the 1988 documentary, The Power of Myth, a series of interviews between Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers.
In the corporate world, Flowers has had a notable career as a veteran practitioner of scenario planning (a strategic foresight method) at Royal Dutch Shell.
She also coauthored the influential book Presence: Human Purpose and the Field of the Future (2004) together with Peter M. Senge, C. Otto Scharmer and Joseph Jaworski - a predecessor to Theory U: Leading From The Future As It Emerges.
She lives with former New Jersey Senator and NBA star Bill Bradley.
Dr Anirban Bandyopadhyay-Sr Scientist, NIMS-Japan; Author-Nanobrain, the making of an Artificial Brain from Time Crystal
A tiger is a hunter in the forest. Ideas and metaphors of elements of the universes are hunted and someone has gathered the hunters to create a garland. Every sentence is a life form. They speak, sing and compose in silence. Its for all of us to sit and worship.
Matthew Tice, CEO, The Insurgence Group, Australia; Author: Insurgence: How Established Incumbents Can Operate Like Nimble Insurgents in Fast Changing and Volatile Markets
These scribbles will bring a smile to your face, challenge you, make you think, and make your day, sometimes all at once. It’s rare to see such intelligent creativity that ponders issues large and small across such a range of insightful topics. I enjoyed seeing these original musings and I am sure you will too.
Matthew draws insights from working with 5 militaries across the world. He has been senior advisor with organisations like Toyota, Bank of Tokyo, Mitsubishi, Canon. He has worked with or studied under many of the world's leading thinkers including Drs Robert Kaplan and David Norton, Jim Collins (author of Good to Great), James Moore (author of The Death of Competition), Francis Goulliart (author of Transforming the Organisation and a contributor to Blue Ocean Strategy), Venkat Ramaswamy (co-writer with CK Pralahad of the Future of Competition) and Dr. Harry Lasker, a leading thinker in new media and knowledge management.
Dr Kewal Nohria-Fmr President-AIMA (All India Management Association); Fmr Chairman-Crompton Greaves; Trustee-Indian Cancer Society; Governing Council Member-SOIL (School of Inspired Leadership)
Hemant in his book “21st Century Hunter Gatherer” has captured the universal truth that any situation has multiple perspectives. He has ably explained the same through the use of two by two grids. This will make us reflect deeply before we jump to a conclusion. We will be able to appreciate others views. This can ultimately lead to World Peace. I strongly recommend this book to persons concerned with Civilizational Good and serious students of Philosophy.
Dr. Nohria is a successful technocrat with B.E. (Elect.) from Banaras Hindu University, and post-graduation in Management studies at Manchester Technical College, UK. He has earlier been on the board of IIM (Udaipur) and many other Indian companies. He has over 50 years experience in the Electrical and Electronics Industry.
Udaya Tara Nayar, Fmr-Editor-Screen Magazine; Initiator of Screen Awards for Indian Cinema; Editor- “Dilip Kumar- The Substance and The Shadow”- Autobiography of Actor Dilip Kumar
“I have known Hemant for more than a decade and it has been a wonderful journey of exchange with him. I have found his thinking and expressions different and energizing”
Additionally, Udaya Tara has been part of several roles and honors:
Head of the National Jury for Books in the National Film Awards three times 1996, 1998 and 2004.
Member of the Script Advisory Committee of Children's Film Society, India in 1998-1999.
Member of the Advisory Council of Film and Television Institute of India in 1998-1999.
Head of the Jury for the Aravindan Awards in Kerala.
Honoured by the Chief Minister of Kerala, Shri A.K. Antony as a Global Malayalee in 2000, an award bestowed on distinguished Malayalees for their contribution to social betterment.
Testimonials for (Non-Book) Scribbles + Pursuits since 2012
Before the book, #21stCenturyHunterGatherer, there were these constant signals from fellow teachers and humans…as a response to the #randomscribbles that were happening through me.
They have, over the years, shared what emerged for them as a response to those #RandomScribbles (some of them are displayed here on the different pages of this website). I have been sharing these scribbles with them … some of them have been receiving it from 2012, while some have started receiving it only in the last few months.
Dr Pradip Khandwalla, Fmr-Director-IIM Ahmedabad
“Congratulations for your monumental cogitations” …and “Thanks Hemant. The interview, you did with me, gave me time and space to introspect deeper. You come across to me as an itinerant Searcher like Buddha before Enlightenment. Keep it up and best wishes. Pradip”
N C Singhal, Founder-CEO-SCICI, Fmr-Board Member, Axis Bank, ICICI, Birla Sunlife AMC…
“Amazingly Innovative”
Dr Anirban Bandyopadhyay-Sr Scientist, NIMS-Japan; Author-Nanobrain
Sukrita Paul Kumar. Poet, Critic & Academician
“..is like exposing a substantial inner journey...the sharing is truly appreciated. So aesthetic as well as meaningful. Will slowly savour it all. Thank you”
Judith Glaser, Author-Conversational Intelligence; Organizational Anthropologist; Fortune 500 Coach
“Hemant, You should make a book of your drawings. They are amazing…”
Jayant Gilatar, Film Director, Gujarat 11, Chalk N Duster, White Land
“I found your work to be MARVELOUS”
Ashvin Mani Sharma, DJ & Music Producer at Calmchor
“thought provoking”
Tanya Kewalramani, Founder-See Sharp Fest
Ajay Jadhav, Managing Director-Zest
“you have already reached a notch higher than us lesser mortals when it comes to an intrinsic value possessed by very few to question one’s existence and try to better the EQ , unattached to material wants, away from the mad rat race and does not come easy as life is not a shut lab where you can experiment without the hollow world disturbing you yet you have managed to do so and how well . Rare and keep inspiring us 🙏🏻”
Saurabh Garg, Writer, Podcaster, Film Maker
“your work has made me far more calmer, mindful and better!”
Sriram Iyer, Head-Sales & Ad, Fourthwave Media
“profound , very deep insights in the workings of life .. most of the time directly cuts to the heart of the matter .. sometimes it's difficult to fathom how your grey matter gears meshes to see the truth which to most of us is not so obvious.”
Yogesh Mathuria, 12000+ km Peace Walk Pilgrimager
“high depth & insightful”
Minal Potnis, Founder-Aiyana Wellness
“engaging intensity & inner exploration”
Manoj Kumar, Asst Manager, Information System-HR,HPCL
Jasmine Gupta, PhD, GRACMC Lead-Biologics
“philosophical…thought provoking”
Rohan Juneja, Jt MD- Dhanvarsha Finvest
“deeply thoughtful and enlightening”
Chandrashekhar Lal, Partner, RRA
Devesh Bhatt, Writer
“Immersive and very enjoyable, especially when reading outdoors. Your words trigger many thoughts and possibilities”
Reetesh Setia, Sr Manager, TCS-UK
“I have been reading/watching Hemant’s content and I feel it is very intriguing and enlightening at the same time, love reading and watching his content.”
Shveitta Sethi Sharma, Founder- School of Happiness-Hong Kong
Surendar Singh, Writer-Podcaster
“Your creative expressions are turning out superbly. And I think you are now like the sages of yore - some terrific thing is building”
Mahua Hazarika, Partner-Rickshaw
“you have various business propositions and you need ways and means to make them happen”
Michael Galvin, Director, SavaTree Consulting
“You should post these to LinkedIn. I am sure many would find them helpful.”
Anshul Shukla, Blogger
“It's enlightening to know how many facets to human behavior exist. It is not usually that one comes across an initiative that aims at creating a better civilization through sharing of gratitude. A beautiful approach to self discovery and self awareness, this is a must-visit-at-least-once kind of program. Totally recommend!”
Priya Mishra, Asia’s First Female Cannabis Activist
Dr Huzaifa Khorakiwala, Trustee & CEO-Wockhardt Foundation
Cheryl Hsu, Systems Thinker
“I also saw your twitter and enjoy your illustrated insights”
Badri Narayanan, Sports Psychologist, American Tennis Association, Utah
“Been following u as always . Love ur heart and mind . World needs more souls like you”
Sakshi Kohli - Head Corporate Communication and Events @ India Today Group