Zest 2.0
There are industries or business models that become the darlings of the investment community, talent pool and innovations. And there are industries or business models that are seen more as utilities or chores.
“Security Guarding” is one such industry. The idea was to jam with the founder and imagine possibilities for transformations. In the hindsight, we failed in achieving some of the objectives. However, we came out with lots of learnings from the various experiments conducted.
This assignment entailed a series of experiments. One of them was to be able to use “internal communication” in an experimental way. Often we see that organizations spend a lot of time, energy and resources to get the “external communication” right. But somehow, there is some form of casualness or taken-for-grantedness to “internal communication”.
We believe that 20th Century was the story of movements of physical goods and people across geographies. But, #21stCentury will be a story of movement of information and energy between people and groups. Not only that, no single person will have all the expertise or information. Hence, we will need to rely on each other’s sense-making. Hence, its important that we draw an awareness and distinction in the granularity of our information sharing…whether we are sharing data, or information, or knowledge or understanding or wisdom. 21st Century will belong to teams that are able to #CoSense #CoDiscover #CoExperiment #CoLearn #CoAdapt given the increasing complexity.
The following were some of the rough conversation boards that were shared over a period of time.
A big theme discovered during this assignment was about #ConflictTransformation . That conflict is normal and conflict can be a catalyst.