jamming + scribbles + crypto thought-paper
It is said that we are in an information age, or knowledge era, or so on. However, we seldom take time to question as to “what is information”, “can it be taken or abstracted out of that which it is capturing?, “is it even capturing” or “is capturing or representing even the right nature of information” or does information have a different more fundamental existence?. These and many more fundamental assumptions have been challenged by Dr Anirban Bandyopadhyay and his team of scientists across the world. In fact, they have even come up with a new theory of information and have been working since 2006 on various applications of it (the core basis of which can be found in the books below).
International Institute of Invincible Rhythms: The world is changing very fast. With the invention of 3D printing and its applications, the giant industries would soon collapse and a new world order would come into the existence. The advancement of robotics would cut loose millions of jobs, preparing the human society for the forthcoming massive threat and getting through a smooth transition is the goal of this institute. The philosophy that it believes is Panpsychism, that is the universe is one singular life form, and there are many life form inside, the quest for finding the new life forms would never end, even if we enter deep inside an atom. The frequency fractal universe worldview is the foundation of the research goals, it means we are looking for building machines following the old forgotten philosophy of Godel's incompleteness argument
crypto thought paper
Below is the broad index of the crypto thought paper shared for IIOIR.
The actual paper is yet not made public.