2 BY 2
When i began this journey of self-discovery, i came across various contradictions...in my own self and in words-wisdom of others. Example: "Stitch in time saves nine" has some contradiction to "haste makes waste" and so on.
I felt drawn into plotting them into two by two grids and matrix. You must have heard of Johari Window or the famous known-known, known-unknown, unknown-known and unknown-unknown. Well! These 2 BY 2 are similar. Only that they capture various aspects on the two axis.
I was humbled. Humbled sometimes that i would operate on all four quadrants of the grid, but would not be aware of it. Sometimes plotting two by two would lead to discoveries about new things or ideas to work on.. I kept creating them initially by hand-drawing and then using corel-draw. Sharing some of them here. I believe that the "knowing" (realization) of the 2 by 2 grids and then the "living" (actualization) of it, could take our humanity deeper and humbler.
In fact, 2 BY 2 Grids have the potential to deeply question our #PoliticalEconomicSocialSelf spectrum. It might necessitate #Reimagining of our #Systems and #Interactions, our #Competition and #Cooperation, our #Incentives and #Values .
Here's 150+ 2 BY 2 Grids...