drawer, stand-up comedy, CQ


sometimes when we create the container, we contain the creation too.

A Drawer!

What function does it serve?

You may say “its for storing stuff”.

You may add “its for withdrawal when needed”.

…or ”its out of sight”

…or ”its for putting things that need to be contained in a container such that those things being out could be otherwise seen as shoddy or dis-ordered”

Now take the “withdrawal when needed” function.

Many times we put things in places and then forget where we kept them.

or it becomes difficult to retrieve them.

Imagine someone trying to solve for this.

There are various ways to do so and applies Systemic Thinking or Complexity Thinking:

  1. Minimalism

  2. Structured storing

  3. Tech-enabled storing/retrieving

  4. Meditation/Narrative/Acronym based Associative Memory Enhancement

Lets take the third case of tech-enabled storing and retrieving. Imagine you were able to put a near-field-communication (NFC) tag on the stuffs you store and are able to simply have a tagging-tracing with an app, or by manual input in an app. Next time you want to retrieve it, you can use some of the app feature to retrieve the stuff.

This is just a simplified example. There are several variants and complexity that aren’t explored here.

The core idea is to hold a word and its various sense-frameworks. And imagining some usable or other forms.

…sometimes this exercise could be stretched in a manner to yield “laughter” as a response to what gets conceptualized after tweaking its constituent parts and or function…many stand-up comedians use this for their framing…

…sometimes it could be “ridicule”,

…sometimes it could be “awe” for how the first few trial and errors would have happened before we came to this kind of form-feature of the thing or phenomenon

…sometimes it could invoke “gratitude”

and so on.

There are other layers or tools that can be clubbed for a political/economic/social purpose. But this for another day.

Sensory Imagination is a tool to enable lateral or creative or critical thinking. Starts with holding a sense-input in awareness. Nuancing it either in terms of its constituent parts and or its function (of its various parts and or the whole). And then tweaking any of them (one or multiple of constituent part or its function) and getting a new product. This process uses visual-smell-sound-taste-touch as need be or one can invoke.

The new product may or may not be practical or economical or even possible to create. But doing so over a period of time would stretch the erstwhile rigid concepts into more well-built flexible conceptual muscle….lets call it conceptual fitness. There are efforts being made across the world to look at many aspects of belief change or non-change and its role in progress of the human being or her tribe or civilization as a whole. Maybe someday we shall see CQ (conceptual quotient) as a way to measure the conceptual fitness-flexibility quotient.


Conversational Traffic Signals…Redistribution of Voice - 7 minutes